The big bang theory bitcoins

the big bang theory bitcoins

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Sheldon Cooper : I did, and yet here tje are. She gave the laptop to Zack 7 years before this. He corrects her, saying that it's a turkey club. Leonard Hofstadter : You having order a burger. Contribute to this page Suggest.

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The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon e os Bitcoins! � Recap. Seven years ago the guys minus Sheldon mined some Bitcoins using Howard's old laptop. Flashback: Entering the old comic book store seven years ago, the guys are. Plot. When Leonard, Raj, and Howard try to make a bundle on old bitcoins they had purchased, Sheldon tries to teach them a lesson for cutting him out.
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Leonard offers to finish using his laptop, but they don't get started until after they have the cookies Mrs. Leonard gives her his computer since he is getting a new one. What did Sheldon do with their Bitcoins? Flashback: In the old comic book store four years ago, Stuart is cleaning up and finds a Batman flash drive presumably Leonard's. Leonard doesn't think that it was thoughtful to give away his gift; however, she and Penny were broken up at the time.